Monday, August 10, 2009

My answers to Joe Guarino's questionnaire.

1. What, in your opinion, is the single most important activity in which municipal government engages? Telling the truth.

2. Do you favor taxpayer money being used to provide incentives for private real estate development? Favor? No, I don’t. I don't favor a colonoscopy either. However, they can be necessary.

3. What actions do you believe are necessary to correct the wrongs our city government committed during late 2005 and thereafter with its response to the Police Department controversy? The wrongs that were committed can never be corrected. I can promise you that if I am elected, I will do my own research instead of blindly following the staff. I will never tell the citizens anything is a fact without researching the entire story. I would also like to reinforce the fact that I released the RMA report to the public. As a matter of fact, I hand delivered a copy to you. That’s how I roll.

I also would like to remind everyone about my work regarding the surveillance issue. I, on more than one occasion, appeared before the council begging them to reveal the truth about the surveillance story. When they refused to do it, I created a public awareness campaign to reveal the entire story. I worked to create the most accurate history of the surveillance story. The campaign included video testimony from previous council meetings, audio from the police captain that authorized the surveillance, documents and an email from the person that wore the wire. I complied all of this research into a video presentation and played it for the council. I can’t fix what was done. I can prevent anything like that from happening again.

4. Which pattern of development do you prefer for the city of Greensboro's future-- higher levels of density with infill, or a more suburban pattern? I am going to have to consult with Ed Cone on this one, Joe.

5. Do you favor markedly expanding the usage of the White Street Landfill for residential trash to save taxpayers' money? I favor, above anything else, being fair. I need to research the entire issue before saying yes or no. I can say that I am one of the few that brought questions to the council concerning how the land for the transfer station was purchased.

6. Will you seek or accept the endorsement of the Simkins PAC? I am seeking the endorsement of the entire City of Greensboro. I want everyone to endorse me. After all, I am trying to win! Vote for me, I’ll set you free!

7. Will you seek or accept the endorsement of TREBIC-affiliated organizations? I have their questionnaire but failed to fill it out and mail it back to them within the time allowed. Contrary to popular belief, I am not a perfect man.

8. What would you do to attract more employers to the city of Greensboro? Clean up the blight and get tough on the crime.

9. Would you ever vote in favor of increasing taxes for Greensboro residents? No.

10. Would you ever vote in favor of increasing fees for Greensboro residents? No

11. What measures would you favor to limit the cost of benefits provided for city employees? I would eliminate all of the unnecessary benefits that are currently being provided for city employees. I need to find out if the city pays for Tater’s scanner.

12. Do you support adding more police officers to the GPD? If so, how many? When the city grows, the GPD should grow as well. The city has annexed more areas recently and can barely cover the area they had. I would make sure that I researched the entire city and the problems before guessing how many more cops we need.

13. Do you support bringing the police chief under the control of the City Council? In reasonable world, I am in favor to the top cop being under the manager. However, Greensboro aint necessarily normal.

14. Do you think our libraries' computers should be filtered to protect young people? Yes.

15. Do you favor expanding mass transportation services in the city of Greensboro? Yes.

16. What approaches do you think the police department should employ to decrease crime in our city? See the following video.

17. Do you favor or oppose the city planning department merging with the county planning department? No.

18. What types of projects should be funded through bonds for economic development, and what types of projects should not be supported? Good ones should be supported and bad ones should not.

19. Do you favor proposing bonds to fund capital costs, or do you favor pay-as-you-go? Damn, Joe. These questions are killing me.

20. Do you favor giving special, increased standing to Action Greensboro and/or the Greensboro Partnership in the formulation of policy decisions? No. However, I am sure whatever policy I create will be loved by Action Greensboro and The Greensboro Partnership.

21. Do you support bringing the city attorney under the control of the City Council? Yes.

22. Do you favor providing taxpayer money to Action Greensboro or the Greensboro Partnership? See answer to question 2.